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Stillness in Times of Trouble

Perhaps you've heard this famous verse from the Bible a 1000 times like I have:

Be still and know that I am God.
(Psalm 46:10)

I even have it on a beautiful piece of art hanging in my kitchen. This framed photo captures a bare tree in the winter surrounded by snow, cold and complete stillness.

In the past year especially, this verse has taken on new meaning for me as our family has been through the ringer. We have endured trials of many kinds; including personal betrayal, slander, rejection, moving to several different states in one year, job losses, death of a close family member and more. All of this, on top of a previous year of burnout and major medical issues. 

Not whining, just being real with you.

Honestly, it's been hard to be still through all of this turmoil. How does God expect me to do this? There are problems to be solved here! There is justice to be had here! God, where are you?

It was one of those moments I was asking Him this very question when this picture came into my mind:

Be still and know that I am God.

Be still and know that I AM.

Be still and know.

Be still.


I looked at this verse differently from that moment on.

You see, I think what God is saying here is to simply relax. He's got me. He's got my family. As His children, we can relax (cease our striving) in His Lordship, knowing He's got it under control. He has a plan and a heart of redemption. He can redeem hard times for our good and His glory.

Relax and know that I am God.

Relax and know that I AM.

Relax and know.


There's something else. There's a second half of that verse we often overlook:

He says, "Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth."

To me this means no matter the injustice, trial, loss or betrayal, God will be exalted in the end. He will make all things right! He is the final judge and jury.

You may feel like the tree in the winter scene.

...It's the middle of the winter and you're not sure you will make it until spring.
...You may feel you've been so wounded, there may be no healing for you.
...You may be so gripped by rejection, grief or pain; you can't hear Him.
...You may be wrecked by betrayal, wondering how you can go on.
...You may fear you've lost your passion.

If this is you, please know there is hope. 

Be still and know that I am God.
Stop striving! Relax.

Be still and know that I AM.
Almighty God and Creator of the Universe is in control.
You can let go now.

Be still and know.
Know He sees you. Know He loves you. Know He's got you in the palm of His hand. Know He will redeem your pain. Know justice will be done. Know He will be exalted and His glory revealed in you.

Be still.
Listen. Rest in His love and grace. Rest in His peace.

Simply be in His presence. Breathe in His life, His goodness. Embrace silence.

Practicing stillness is not easy for everyone, especially in times of hardship. Still, it is an essential soul care practice. 

How do you practice being still?
What does Psalm 46:10 mean to you?

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