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Sighting of the Strange Kind

I have to tell you about something I saw on vacation.

So we're driving down the road towards our destination- an afternoon of zip-line action. 

Yes, this is my husband. The zip line guru. Upside-down.

We're enjoying the view, warm air in our face and sound of the waves hitting the shores of lake Michigan.  No job, no stress, no reality really.

Like the screeching of a record (yes, I remember what those are), the scene in front of my eyes broke my serene state of mind.  I turned to my husband and asked "did you just see what I just saw?" 

Right in front of us was- what looked like- the world's largest seagull gulping down an entire squirrel.  I am not kidding.  Head first, down it went until the tail was completely gone. We sat there with our mouths hanging open.

It's not like I ever thought those scavenger birds were cute or anything, but a whole squirrel?  That's just too much nature in one viewing!  I've never been the type to love those nature shows that expose the "circle of life."  I just don't want to know about such things.

Of course, my mind just couldn't leave that image alone. The very bird that was waiting around patiently while my son threw him the little fish he was catching on the docks...just shocking!
Sammy...he must have caught 50 of these things.

How could this bird be so savage?
And of course if my mind can't let go of certain experiences, my mind starts to think about things that relate.

Have you ever had an experience with a person that was like this bird? Pretty, graceful and seemingly friendly on the outside, but savagely vicious on the inside...especially when exposed? Not a pretty picture is it.  Yet, that is the bulk of reality TV these days.  Odd that we're so fascinated by it.  Kind of like those nature shows...

So then my mind has to take it a step further...

Are there times in our lives when we are the "squirrel"- so to speak- and we feel like we're being devoured by the "seagull?" I know there have been times in my life like that. How do we respond?  How should we respond?

Well, one good option is to keep driving and find the zip-line.

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