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Beauty of Love Divine

Check out this Sonnet by Michelangelo: The course of my life has brought me now Through a stormy sea, in a frail ship, To the common port where, landing We account for every deed, wretched or holy. So that finally I see How wrong the fond illusion was That made art my idol and my King, Leading me to want what harmed me. My amorous fancies, once foolish and happy What sense have they now that I approach two deaths The first of which I know is sure, the second threatening. Let neither painting nor carving any longer calm My soul turned to that divine Love Who to embrace us, opened His arms upon the cross. - On the Brink of Death ,  To Giorgio Vasari,  Sonnet LXV WOW. This reminds me to think of life in reverse. It may seem weird, but looking at the end - or starting with the end in mind - can give us perspective. When we think (like Michelangelo did here) from the perspective of death, suddenly many things we chase after seem insignificant and deceptive. Things...
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New Year Resolutions Worth Keeping

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The Importance of Worship Together

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Lessons in the Rearview Mirror

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Peacekeeping Vs Peacemaking- What's the Difference?

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Soul Tattoo: What Defines You?

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Living in the Light

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Character Over Comfort & Control

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You Can't Pour From an Empty Cup

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When You Wonder Why

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